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Patty Chism

In Memoriam, My Favorite Pair of Jeans.

In memoriam, my favorite pair of jeans blog post, is being posted on a Monday as a #memoriamMonday, #motivationMonday type of thing. I’m pouring one out for my fav, fav, all time fav, pair of jeans that have recently bit the dust. As a stylist, I hear countless stories from my clients of their favorite pair of jeans that have ripped or torn beyond repair but they can’t seem to let them go. I know, it’s terrible and a huge loss to anyone’s wardrobe. Just because I’m a stylist and standing in your closet mourning along side with you, doesn’t mean I don’t suffer my own losses. Let’s take a walk down memory lane and pay homage to my black pair of PZI Jeans.

Back in 2011, I was once again teaching in Seoul, South Korea and came across these magical jeans at a thrift store for foreigners in the Itaewon area of Seoul. Like any thrift store in the world, there is no room for negotiation when it comes to size. It’s either gonna fit or it’s not and you have to sadly walk away from a good find. Picture this, I’m in the basement part of the thrift store with my co-worker, we’re combing through racks and racks of jeans from the U.S. that were brand new and *by the grace of the fashion gods* made its way to Korea. When all of a sudden, I see these jeans that look like they may fit, let’s give it a try. I walk into this small, tiny, make shift changing room made out of plywood *don’t ask* and tried on the jeans. It was a Cinderella putting on the glass slipper moment and that was it. I had found the perfect pair of jeans! I loved these jeans so much that I even wrote a celebratory post about them being part of my weight loss journey.

Here are some greatest moments of my jeans 🙁






Luckly, I have done some research and found the brand online and will be purchasing some new jeans soon. Although the allure and magic of the glass slipper moment won’t happen again, at least I know I found a brand that works for me. That fact alone helps the mourning process go by just a little bit faster.


Over the years I have ridden the wheels off my favorite pair of jeans and I’m so happy I found them. They did give me hope that a girl with hips and thighs could find the perfect pair of jeans and look and feel great in them.  As I finish typing this, the following song comes to mind *Insert Boys II Men here* It’s so harddddd, to say goodbye, to yessssssterdaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!

I know I’m not the only one who has suffered such a loss. Share your story of your favorite pair of jeans in the comment section below and lets keep their memory alive :).

Keeping it Confident – Patty

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