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Patty Chism

Perfect Day For Planning Your Summer Wardrobe.

It’s a gloomy kinda day in DC today with grey skies and rain but that shouldn’t stop you for day dreaming about your summer looks. In fact, it’s these kinda days that are perfect for planning your summer wardrobe. A little internet browsing or quality time at the mall and you will quickly forget it’s even raining outside. One of my recent additions to my summer wardrobe was this boho inspired dress I picked up at Urban Outfitters in the lovely Georgetown shopping district of DC.

Boho dress

Boho dress



Zara sandles

Puppy and me

I can assure you Bradford (my puggle) and I were laughing at something really funny, just like models do on a photo shoot. My pretty sandals are from Zara, necklaces from Accessorize, earrings (can’t remember 😉 and sunglasses from a kiosk in a local mall. This summer outfit is simple and very comfortable and I can not wait to wear it out, than just in my living room while I look out the rainy window like “Joey Tribbiani” from Friends.

Keeping it Confident – Patty

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