Today’s UK guest blogger on “Love for the UK” week is Jules Fe from Jules has been a guest blogger for me before and I am so happy to have her share another great post about her adventures in London.
Tea Party At The Ritz London Hotel
Having a tea in England is not just about drinking a hot beverage in the middle of a cold day but about experiencing a moment full of supreme delicacy, comfort and glamour. That is why, an authentic tea party includes nothing less than a set of beautiful china, amazing cakes, salty bites, excellent taste in music, delightful guests and an exigent dress code.
Since I live in London, I’ve had the pleasure of attending many tea parties. However, my tea experience from last Friday that inspired this post, stands out from any possible benchmark. I was invited to one of the prestigious tea parties at The Ritz London Hotel, next to Green Park.
An entrance decorated with Victorian furniture, golden sculptures and heavy curtains created a fairy tale atmosphere. As the room shined like a diamond, I had my first cup of tea while soft music was played by an orchestra of cords. I couldn’t be more certain that my choice of a simple but classy black little dress was perfect attire for the occasion (long sleeves draped dress- from Mango).
At the table next to me, sat two British siblings that looked like the siblings from the film Match Point. They spoke about mythology, commented on a golden image of Aphrodite and a swan that decorated the biggest wall in the room. One of them turned and complimented me on my hair fascinator, which I bought in Italy for Roman Holiday.
After a while (that for me was a short while), a big-ben-style clock reminded me that it was midnight and I realized I was having my fifth cup of tea. For closing the evening, I had a cocktail called “Duchess of Cambridge.” The flower that came inside the cocktail matched my new collection fuchsia Chanel bag and my Zara purple heels.
Spanish Translation
Tomar el té al estilo ingles no tiene nada que ver con tomar una bebida caliente cualquiera para recargar las energias en un dia frío, si no con disfrutar de un momento ritual lleno de comodidad, delicadeza y glamour. Por esto, una autentica “Tea Party” inglesa siempre viene acompanada de una adorable vajilla, deliciosos snacks dulces y salados, musica de buen gusto, invitados exquisitos y la necesidad de crear un buen look para honrar el evento.
Desde que estoy en Londres he tenido la oportunidad de asistir a varias tardes de tè, sin embargo, la tarde a la que asisti el viernes pasado y que inspiró este post, ha sido la más especial . Fui invitada a tomar el te en el Hotel Ritz de Londres.
Una majestuosa entrada decorada con muebles victorianos, esculturas de oro y cortinas pesadas, creaban una atmosfera digna de cualquier cuento de hadas. Mientras el salón brillaba como un diamante y yo tomaba mi primera tasa de té, una orquesta de cuerdas adorable amenizaba el momento y yo no podía evitar pensar que habia elegido acertadamente mi vestido para el evento.(pequeno vestido negro con mangas largas-Mango).
En una mesa cercana a la nuestra, dos hermanos (que parecían sacados de la película de Woody Allen titulada Match Point) comentaban un cuadro dorado de afrodita y Apolo, el cual decoraba una de las paredes màs grande del salón. Uno de ellos se acercó a nuestra mesa e hizo un cumplido acerca del accesorio de plumas que tenía en el cabello, el cual compré recientemente en italia para Roman Holiday.
Después de un tiempo (que para mi fue corto), un reloj grande al estilo del big ben me informó que era media noche y me recordó que ya estaba por terminar mi quinta tasa de té. Para cerrar el evento, ordené un cocktail llamado “la duquesa de Cambridge”. La flor dentro del cocktail hacia juego perfecto con mis tacones morados (Zara) y con mi bolso Chanel fucsia nuevo.
Make sure to check out Jules on her website Roman Holiday and follow her on Twitter @RomanHoliday_
A BIG THANK YOU, GRACIAS to Jules and sharing her posh London experience with us! A girl can only dream to have tea with such flare one day 😉 In the mean time, I’ll just get my tea from the grocery store, turn off all the lights in my apartment and drink it by candle light…lol
Keeping it Confident – Patty