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Viva This Diva!

Patty Chism

Riding on the heels of Monday’s blog post I wanted to share my newest addition to my summer wardrobe!

After month’s of stalking this dress online, I finally got my hands on it! Woowhoo! Viva this diva!

I’m totally gonna side bar here and tell you a little story, a story about a girl named Patty. By Patty I mean me, Patty, anyways *that’s a Bridesmaids reference for those who adore the movie like I do* When I was little I used to get scope locked on all kinds of things, especially bright colored clothes. A flowery 80’s top, LA Gear light up sneakers or my beloved multicolored rhinestone hat a la Boy George style. I remember seeing that hat and begging my mom to get me one. Of course she said no, but did I take that as the final answer? NOPE! I went home, pulled out my extensive Crayola collection and drew that hat on the biggest piece of paper I could find in my house….8×10 lol. I drew the hat and slapped that baby on my wall and looked at it everyday until finally my mom bought it for me! I was soooooo happy and marveled at those rhinestones like a good 80’s kid should!  So when I finally got this maxi dress from Vivadivaboutique out of California, that childhood memory came back.


And if you are looking at these pictures of this gorge Vivadivaboutique dress wondering if I drew it and slapped it to my wall. The answer is no, that’s a lot of floral detail and I can’t find my Crayola collection, pretty sure my mom threw it out 😉

The dress is well made and sits on my body just like it should! I’m happy to say it will be sticking around in the summer section of my closet for a very long time!

Like a little kid jumping up and down VIVA THIS DIVA!

Check out more great pieces from this trendy store at, on instagram (where I saw the dress) and twitter.

Keeping it Confident – Patty

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